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While the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s standing as one of the world’s all-time great police forces remains intact, in recent years its image has been tarnished. Meanwhile the Force continues to have its internal disasters, exposing the organizations weaknesses and outdated management practices.

The RCMP, the federal police force of Canada, is the only major Canadian police force without a truly effective and independent oversight body.

The world is moving towards an open and transparent society. However, the RCMP’s senior management has repeatedly demonstrated it prefers the RCMP remain a closed organization. Meanwhile, investigations continue to raise serious questions about cover-ups, ethical and management practices and illegal conduct within this federal government agency.

RCMP members hold the extraordinary legal authority to limit civil liberties and so must to be scrutinized to the same or a higher standard used to investigate those they suspect of criminal wrongdoing. When they are found at fault, they too must be held accountable.

On you will find stories that have been collected and archived from public information sources. We provide a forum for open discussion and welcome constructive viewpoints and contributions. However, this must be conducted in a civil, respectful manner.

Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees that everyone has the fundamental freedoms of thought, belief, opinion and expression. We are strong believers in our constitutional guarantee to freedom of expression. There are, however, no constitutional provisions obliging us to publish your views.

Comments must not contain any obscene, pornographic, offensive or defamatory content or materials of any kind or other content or materials that in the moderators reasonable judgment may be found objectionable by users of this site.

The forum moderators often delete posts and/or ban persons without warning or explanation and will continue to do so. Posts are generally removed when offensive or abusive. Persons are sometimes banned for making threats against other persons (including the moderators of this site for moderating their posts).

To promote openness, contact details (e.g. email address, IP addresses, etc.) will not be divulged to any third party unless we are required to do so by law (search warrant or other legal instrument).

This site not a forum to post personal complaints or correspondence to the RCMP or any other government agency. is not affiliated with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or any other government agency.

Updated: 2011.04.18

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